##load package
## Warning: package 'limma' was built under R version 4.2.2

##load data
ms_control_csf <- read_excel("diagnosis_K_csf.xlsx") 

## # A tibble: 6 × 1,011
##   ID     diagnosis ABHD14B   ABL1   ACAN    ACP5   ACP6  ACTA2 ACVRL1   ACY1
##   <chr>      <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>
## 1 MS_1_K         1  0.520  -0.735 -0.111 -1.58   -1.49  -0.281 -1.56  -1.76 
## 2 MS_2_K         1 -1.71   -1.14   0.688  1.20    0.404 -0.858 -0.449 -0.757
## 3 MS_3_K         1 -0.263  -0.312 -0.403  0.0816 -0.989 -0.621 -0.680 -0.329
## 4 MS_4_K         1 -0.468  -0.611 -0.297 -0.293  -1.01   0.162 -0.460 -0.582
## 5 MS_5_K         1 -0.0580  0.251  0.256  1.68    0.473 -1.18   0.381  0.470
## 6 MS_6_K         1  0.481   0.327 -0.191 -0.365   0.369 -0.144 -0.165 -0.174
## # ℹ 1,001 more variables: ADA <dbl>, ADA2 <dbl>, ADAM15 <dbl>, ADAM22 <dbl>,
## #   ADAM23 <dbl>, ADAM8 <dbl>, ADAMTS13 <dbl>, ADAMTS15 <dbl>, ADAMTS16 <dbl>,
## #   ADAMTS8 <dbl>, ADGRB3 <dbl>, ADGRE2 <dbl>, ADGRE5 <dbl>, ADGRG1 <dbl>,
## #   ADGRG2 <dbl>, ADM <dbl>, AGER <dbl>, AGRN <dbl>, AGRP <dbl>, AHCY <dbl>,
## #   AKR1B1 <dbl>, AKR1C4 <dbl>, ALCAM <dbl>, ALDH1A1 <dbl>, ALDH3A1 <dbl>,
## #   AMBN <dbl>, AMIGO2 <dbl>, AMY2A <dbl>, AMY2B <dbl>, ANG <dbl>,
## #   ANGPT1 <dbl>, ANGPT2 <dbl>, ANGPTL1 <dbl>, ANGPTL2 <dbl>, ANGPTL3 <dbl>, …
design <- model.matrix(~diagnosis, data = ms_control_csf)
##   (Intercept) diagnosis
## 1           1         1
## 2           1         1
## 3           1         1
## 4           1         1
## 5           1         1
## 6           1         1
#transpose the data so that the samples are in different columns
#make the name of the samples/ID become your column names
#get rid of the rows that are not protein levels
#make sure all the protein expressions are numeric
#take a look at your dataframe
##             MS_1_K     MS_2_K     MS_3_K     MS_4_K      MS_5_K     MS_6_K
## ABHD14B  0.5197156 -1.7127358 -0.2628932 -0.4677646 -0.05802174  0.4811136
## ABL1    -0.7347174 -1.1420951 -0.3117541 -0.6113755  0.25094302  0.3267217
## ACAN    -0.1106618  0.6878584 -0.4025902 -0.2968317  0.25573450 -0.1907236
## ACP5    -1.5829587  1.1961717  0.0815954 -0.2925337  1.67985571 -0.3650363
## ACP6    -1.4877645  0.4044776 -0.9889641 -1.0088753  0.47314562  0.3686545
## ACTA2   -0.2812268 -0.8580090 -0.6208375  0.1623202 -1.17708912 -0.1439282
##             MS_7_K      MS_8_K     MS_9_K    MS_10_K     MS_11_K    MS_12_K
## ABHD14B -1.2188878 -0.05090515 -0.3717985  0.5788049 -0.27389151  0.6851223
## ABL1     0.8157899  0.83540635 -1.5314686 -0.2854196 -0.37006606 -0.4842715
## ACAN    -0.4887703  0.48787874 -0.8572643  1.0374732  0.23825376 -0.5438346
## ACP5    -0.1753680  1.71991236 -0.7495801  0.9716541  1.02492949 -0.3059527
## ACP6     0.5715953  0.31964239  0.1345706 -0.6877438  0.05560663 -1.0902218
## ACTA2    0.5598872 -0.05154042  0.1268194  0.1757935  1.17644754 -0.9623730
##             MS_13_K     MS_14_K     MS_15_K    MS_16_K    MS_17_K     MS_18_K
## ABHD14B  0.05519667  0.26200897 -1.47271274 -0.4968779  0.5581021 -0.02977105
## ABL1    -0.57939798 -1.21948609 -0.49179566  0.3517126 -0.6906475 -1.80609917
## ACAN     1.19270222 -0.85411775  1.67202414  0.1137909 -0.2854692 -1.16142918
## ACP5     0.75414654 -1.84633115  1.88234208  0.7198981 -1.9236405  0.16791748
## ACP6    -0.19711210 -0.73939373  0.19506993  0.1846038 -0.2879887 -0.28569129
## ACTA2   -1.00835306  0.09794819  0.08041161  0.5558239 -1.1454377 -0.09431256
##            MS_19_K     MS_20_K    MS_21_K     MS_22_K     MS_23_K   MS_24_K
## ABHD14B  1.2533709 -0.00302994 0.34180099  0.82184705 -1.03860101 0.4884458
## ABL1    -0.9333006 -1.18992703 0.40814351 -0.99725567  0.78999288 0.8074596
## ACAN     0.2307370 -0.57652358 0.88451676 -0.70255972  0.78312846 2.5712335
## ACP5    -0.4050929 -1.04119249 0.09421324 -1.02116417  0.96103914 0.9736570
## ACP6    -0.7351392 -0.63864660 0.08691993 -0.01450793 -1.07669240 0.6227347
## ACTA2   -1.5703789 -0.25984071 0.20081517 -0.72584311  0.07870073 2.0427971
##           MS_25_K    MS_26_K   MS_27_K    MS_28_K     MS_29_K    MS_30_K
## ABHD14B 0.7004338 -1.4384237 0.5893719 -0.3265111  0.76167956 -0.5952161
## ABL1    0.1824197 -0.6903788 0.6075328  0.8722208 -0.51168085 -1.0010177
## ACAN    0.3476832 -1.0138917 1.7566309  1.0946353  0.53577597 -1.3981184
## ACP5    0.5065964 -0.5753337 0.5532624  1.4747657 -0.32117422 -0.8745568
## ACP6    0.8815799 -1.0438475 1.5051230  0.8395452  0.84218303 -1.2817604
## ACTA2   1.3165263 -0.0429860 0.1625341 -1.1257626 -0.09666502 -0.1464946
##            MS_31_K    MS_32_K      MS_33_K    MS_34_K    MS_35_K    MS_36_K
## ABHD14B  1.1571892 -0.3832281 -0.691829190  0.3851475  0.6859850 -0.3672697
## ABL1    -1.5113147  0.6064580 -0.352061900 -0.7715319 -0.3203531 -2.2271815
## ACAN     0.3639403  0.5817503 -0.009273533 -0.4184977  1.5966821 -1.4933884
## ACP5     0.5081987  0.4102602 -0.391874200 -1.0482024  0.5552653 -0.7325560
## ACP6    -1.6093588 -1.0513354 -0.376397740  0.0675193  0.5923574 -0.1685217
## ACTA2   -0.8605753 -0.5836258 -1.298561985 -0.4741291 -0.5312299 -0.3774641
##            MS_37_K    MS_38_K     MS_39_K     MS_40_K     MS_41_K    MS_42_K
## ABHD14B -0.6312304 -1.4392863  0.60921209 -0.27044104  0.95770915 -0.5921970
## ABL1    -0.5581692 -0.7801309 -0.96500941 -0.43428984 -0.19889220 -1.4105451
## ACAN     0.9558382 -0.6688219 -0.39524830  0.03809928 -0.08216822  0.5775549
## ACP5    -1.2338650  0.6800417 -0.04278050 -0.12569777 -0.27971558 -0.3003448
## ACP6     0.1022362  0.3487433  0.54785506  0.17218059  0.37826973 -0.2989654
## ACTA2   -0.4814004  0.7393163  0.06651067 -0.43349558 -0.11462932 -0.6685285
##             MS_43_K    MS_44_K     MS_45_K     MS_46_K    MS_47_K    MS_48_K
## ABHD14B -0.32909896 -0.2042352 -1.95038661  0.73191929 -0.1089161  0.4880145
## ABL1    -1.05261173  0.4011568 -1.50701518 -0.22952614 -0.4995885  0.2315953
## ACAN     0.45798668  1.4164557 -0.02430697 -0.09755128  0.4385831 -0.5382408
## ACP5    -0.11448190 -1.4111156 -0.32477931 -0.74216960 -0.1587445 -0.7950444
## ACP6     0.87511305  0.4728053 -0.52539117  0.32066348  0.2690986 -0.2494427
## ACTA2    0.09880363  0.4786202 -0.38537693 -0.22583687 -0.7455183 -1.0066422
##            MS_49_K    MS_50_K    MS_51_K CONTROL_1_K CONTROL_2_K CONTROL_3_K
## ABHD14B -2.0972471 -0.7466053 -0.3032205   0.1600046  -0.1095631  0.41124162
## ABL1    -0.6164812 -0.3582424 -0.6992466   0.7056152  -0.2085661  0.71260187
## ACAN    -1.4364012  0.5207425 -0.4018910   0.9012983  -1.5960004  0.17235137
## ACP5    -0.9190197 -1.0864565 -0.6065778   0.3315489  -0.9444557 -0.12309408
## ACP6    -0.4685507 -0.5466638 -0.1031722   0.3610815  -1.1293634  0.04352378
## ACTA2   -0.7463737  0.6687423 -0.9587374  -0.5406398  -0.8823891 -0.07698984
## ABHD14B   1.9089595  -1.3211079  -0.1964717   0.1183833  -1.3114035  0.43453226
## ABL1      0.1450678   1.7237906   0.1477550   0.5535204  -0.7718006 -1.37829888
## ACAN      0.8247326   1.0484861   0.4745934  -0.5987241  -0.5901586  0.39488120
## ACP5      0.7473369   0.7299123   1.2139969  -0.6854894  -0.5623153 -0.04778758
## ACP6      0.3434677   0.1429095   1.1639952   0.8550317   0.2208523  0.64987855
## ACTA2     0.2591991   0.2224151   0.1139877   0.4576618   0.5889723  0.50535276
## ABHD14B   1.15417005   -0.8634899   0.75607255  -1.56716924     1.075456
## ABL1     -0.99886798    1.0552183  -0.01293881  -1.14908177     2.294818
## ACAN     -0.04703193    0.9942958  -0.90236459  -1.64372282     2.328426
## ACP5     -0.24166177    0.2744682  -0.28672550   0.06156707     2.609971
## ACP6     -1.57540770    1.1014537  -0.05126701  -0.29394507     1.675900
## ACTA2    -0.32656524    0.9873947  -1.43094174  -2.22308166     2.420475
## ABHD14B -1.234846250   -0.4722933   -0.0403381  -0.43994518    1.7825861
## ABL1     0.015007940   -1.4059769   -0.2464554   0.34768178   -0.5310286
## ACAN     0.468300312   -0.7357731   -0.7079788   0.03757485    0.3670868
## ACP5     1.186357790   -0.9060013   -0.5679232  -0.94405512    0.1845410
## ACP6    -0.265609940   -1.5916600   -0.9183390  -0.27258735    1.2992040
## ACTA2    0.008340566   -1.3770489    0.8774703   0.09901749    0.5620258
##         CONTROL_20_K
## ABHD14B   -0.2447782
## ABL1      -0.9980618
## ACAN      -1.1902724
## ACP5      -2.0301912
## ACP6      -1.7591181
## ACTA2     -0.2446566
fit <- lmFit(t_ms_control_csf, design)

ebayes <- eBayes(fit)

results <- topTable(ebayes, coef = 2, number = Inf, adjust = "BH")
##                logFC  AveExpr         t      P.Value    adj.P.Val         B
## MZB1        3.140727 2.256015 10.225869 1.015850e-16 1.024993e-13 27.554535
## TNFRSF13B   2.564393 1.842028  8.454328 4.819481e-13 2.431428e-10 19.336957
## IL12B       4.902686 3.521648  8.225389 1.433047e-12 4.819815e-10 18.278657
## CD79B       2.694839 1.935729  8.101793 2.577291e-12 6.501215e-10 17.708697
## CD27        2.027617 1.456457  8.050987 3.279493e-12 6.618018e-10 17.474730
## IL12A_IL12B 2.435523 1.749460  6.228306 1.495415e-08 2.514789e-06  9.308632
##                proteins
## MZB1               MZB1
## IL12B             IL12B
## CD79B             CD79B
## CD27               CD27
## IL12A_IL12B IL12A_IL12B
## [1] 1009
significant_results <- results[results$adj.P.Val < 0.05, ]
##                logFC  AveExpr         t      P.Value    adj.P.Val         B
## MZB1        3.140727 2.256015 10.225869 1.015850e-16 1.024993e-13 27.554535
## TNFRSF13B   2.564393 1.842028  8.454328 4.819481e-13 2.431428e-10 19.336957
## IL12B       4.902686 3.521648  8.225389 1.433047e-12 4.819815e-10 18.278657
## CD79B       2.694839 1.935729  8.101793 2.577291e-12 6.501215e-10 17.708697
## CD27        2.027617 1.456457  8.050987 3.279493e-12 6.618018e-10 17.474730
## IL12A_IL12B 2.435523 1.749460  6.228306 1.495415e-08 2.514789e-06  9.308632
##                proteins
## MZB1               MZB1
## IL12B             IL12B
## CD79B             CD79B
## CD27               CD27
## IL12A_IL12B IL12A_IL12B
ggplot(data = results, aes(x = logFC, y = -log10(P.Value), col = ifelse(logFC > 0, "Upregulated", "Downregulated"))) + 
labs(color = "Regulation")+geom_point(position = position_nudge(x = 0.0),size= 2) +
theme(axis.title.x=element_text(size=20),axis.text.x=element_text(size=20),axis.text.y=element_text(size=20),axis.title.y=element_text(size=20),axis.line = element_line(color = "black", size =0.5),legend.title=element_text(size=20),legend.text = element_text(size = 20),panel.grid.major = element_blank(),panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.background = element_blank()) + geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), linetype = "solid", color = "black") + 
geom_vline(xintercept = 0, linetype = "solid", color = "black")+
geom_text(data = subset(results, adj.P.Val < 0.000001), aes(label = proteins), nudge_x = 0.5, nudge_y = 0.5,size=6) +
scale_color_manual(values = c("Upregulated" = "red", "Downregulated" = "blue")) +
geom_point(data = subset(results, P.Value > 0.05), aes(col = "gray50"), size = 2)+
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-1, 7)) +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(-1, 7, by = 1), labels = seq(-1, 7, by = 1))+guides(color = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = 5)))
## Warning: The `size` argument of `element_line()` is deprecated as of ggplot2 3.4.0.
## ℹ Please use the `linewidth` argument instead.
## This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
## Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
## generated.


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##      speed           dist       
##  Min.   : 4.0   Min.   :  2.00  
##  1st Qu.:12.0   1st Qu.: 26.00  
##  Median :15.0   Median : 36.00  
##  Mean   :15.4   Mean   : 42.98  
##  3rd Qu.:19.0   3rd Qu.: 56.00  
##  Max.   :25.0   Max.   :120.00

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